Monday 25 January 2010

Evaluation - Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

  • Overall, the audience feedback was positive, the majority of people understood it was intended to be a comedy video and they got the jist of our representation of Cosmo. We initially got feedback from one of Michelle's AS group's, who generally really enjoyed it and found it humorous, with comments ranging from "Visual fits well with the song" and "Could tell it was a music video". As nice as the comments were, there was no criticisms, constructive or otherwise so we decided to show a wider audience.
  • The BTEC Media group were much more analytical and in some cases they really did lay into our work for all the minor issues, which is what we wanted so I guess we can't complain! This is a shortlist of the criticisms received:
    - The lighting in the interior shots wasn't very good
    - Locations could have been linked more/more clearly
    - Lip syncing was out of time in one of the scenes
    - Shop signs in the background were irrelevant and eye-catching
    - People walking in the background of shots were an unnecessary distraction
  • In response to this, we tried to improve our video. We re-edited the clip with the lip syncing issue, and we filmed more narrative and locations to make it more aesthetically pleasing. We decided not to re-film the interior shots, as the lighting would always be a issue, so we instead reduced the number used.
  • The majority of the audience reacted exactly how we'd hoped - with laughter. This was our main intent and it seemed mission accomplished, even those outside of our target audience (over 21's) found the video to be funny.

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