Thursday 7 January 2010

Digipak Magazine advert

The final ancillary task was to make a magazine advert for our designed Digipak. After some research of magazine adverts for digipak's done in class (which can't be scanned onto the computer sadly, but include Jay-Z's Blueprint, Jamie T's album, Mark Knopfler's Get Lucky and The Beatles digipak) , we finished with this as our final magazine advert design:

This poster includes a blurb of information, such as a release date, track list, website and an image of the Digipak, as well as the production company's logo, 'Purple Tortoise'. The image we used is the one for the 3rd panel (the CD-covered one), as this is the most simple and effective one, it catches the eye without being too 'in your face', the image shows Cosmo off, and overall the group are very pleased with it, as it looks professional and we feel it would not look out of place in a magazine whatsoever.

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