Thursday 7 January 2010

DigiPak Final Design

We have now completed our DigiPak. This was completed during the last few lessons of the year and overall we are very pleased with the final product! Firstly we drew a draft layout of the DigiPak set-up, so we knew how to go about our frames. This is the design:After that we delegated into two small teams to do two panels each, and then look over eachothers to see if we all agreed and see if there were any improvements that could be made. So Elliot and Heidi worked on the front panel and the panel the CD would cover, and Jordan and myself began work on the back panel and the other inside panel. Here is panel one, done by Elliot and Heidi:^ This is the first draft of panel one. We did like this panel however after using a second photo to compare and contrast, we went with the second picture and thus our front panel ended up being:We changed the position of Cosmo from the left hand side to the right, and also used a photo while still different and summing up the 'Cosmo' attitude, isn't as peculiar as a wink, as you don't see many winks on front covers of CDs! We felt it was very important to include his face on the front panel, as he isn't a well known artist so the CD wouldn't sell itself, whereas if it was someone known universally, like Jay-Z with the Blueprint, his face wouldn't be necessary.

The next panel was started by Jordan and myself. This is the original photo we modified:

In this picture, I felt the lights were positioned like boxing gloves, so we decided we would colour them in red. And Cosmo is infamous for his sketches (as seen on his MySpace), so we decided that in this panel we would include some sketches, drawn by Heidi. We made the background white so it was like paper (from a sketchbook) to make it look more free. So this is our final result for the inside panel:

The next panel was done by Elliot and Heidi. This one will be covered by the CD inside the Digipak, so it was the least important to the eye we felt, however it had to keep the general tone of the Digipak. This is the original photo to be edited:
In terms of editing, all we did was brighten up and sharpen the image, to keep in tone with the brightness of the other inside panel, which contrast from the front and back panel. This is the final result of the inside CD-covered panel:

Now onto the backcover panel modified by Jordan and myself. This was designed with the idea of brown/dark brown in mind as the front cover and the back cover are usually the same colour, and we've kept in tone with these conventions. This is the original photo used for the back panel: For the back cover, we went for a standout, nightclub looking design. We did a neon-inspired outline of his shadow and the lights, to make it different from the front cover. The pose sums up the Cosmo attitude and feeling, and we are really pleased with the end result. We also included the 'Purple Tortoise' logo to stick with the conventions of the production company being at the bottom of the CD, and a tracklist is surrounding the 'blanker' spaces around his body. This is our back panel for the Cosmo Jarvis digipak:Going back to the original outline, this is what our final digipak would look like, and this is the image that will feature in our magazine advert:

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