Monday 25 January 2010

Evaluation - Question 2

How effective is the combination between your main product and ancillary texts?

  • I feel the combination between our main product and ancillary texts is very strong. You can tell that they are related and they both do a fantastic job of promoting the Cosmo image we wanted to represent. The themes and images used are similar, both include levels of cartoonish child-like joy, whether realistic cartoon (the video) or animated cartoon (the DigiPak). Although trying to present Cosmo as a fun-loving individual, the professional-style also suggests that he is serious about progressing in the music industry also.
  • We aimed to have a colour scheme in our DigiPak, and also to make it pretty basic yet interesting and eye-catching. The fonts used also sum up the Cosmo representation from the video as well as his MySpace page.
  • To make it better, we could have done the photoshoot with Luke when we were filming the video, so he would have a consistent appearance throughout, as well as similar items of clothing. In the video he had an eccentric appearance whereas in the DigiPak he looks more like your every-day Joe. However I view this as a positive, as it shows he's serious about the digipak.

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