Sunday 13 December 2009

Third editing process

After filming for the third time, we have finally finished our rough cut for the music video. I will be uploading this as soon as I can.

Looking back at the animatic, it would be fair to say the rough cut has ended up fairly different, however not in a bad way. We only planned on having a narrative for the chorus' but as it turns out, the whole music video has pretty much followed a narrative, but we think its led to a better end product. I think the overall feel of the video is very good, it is an enjoyable watch. However, this isn't about the music video being enjoyable, it's about gaining marks, and in terms of skill and craftsmanship of the video, it isn't too varied. We will continue to edit and try and find some hidden gems in terms of camera angles and shots, so the longer ones don't just seem to drag, but if we can't, we will go out filming again.

Nonetheless we will be showing this to AS media groups to gain some feedback to say what they think about it. Hopefully the feedback will be good enough and critical enough to enable us to improve on what we have edited and filmed thus far. Overall I'm very pleased with the rough cut though.

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