Tuesday 1 December 2009

First editing process

After a semi-successful first day of filming, we began editing on our first lesson back from half term. In our AS year, we used iMovie to do the editing process, and overall that went quite well, but we did run into problems because it was so limited. So for A2 we are using 'Final Cut' to do our editing. This is a more complex program, therefore it is more difficult to use, but it's a challenge our group looks forward to facing, and hopefully it will produce a better quality video.

To upload the footage was the first new difference from iMovie. We had to go "Edit --> Log and Capture" in order to upload and segment our filming into different frames so it wasn't just one long frame with all the filming in it, making it harder to cut successfully. This was quite time consuming as you'd expect and it took around 15 minutes for the work to be completely uploaded to the computer.

Once that was done, we uploaded Heidi's MP3 of 'Mels Song' so we could make a smooth transition with the video matching the song and the lyrics, making it easier to position the clips where we wanted. The remainder of the lesson we just cut and pasted around half of the clips filmed on the first day into the video, realising where our gaps were, what may need to be filmed again etc. We fear we may not have enough angles but thats something we will look at when we finished our rough cut.

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