Friday 9 October 2009

Treatment/Pitch for Music Video

Summary of the treatment:

After doing some research on videos previously made by Cosmo Jarvis, (Mel's song and She's Got You) we've decided to go with something which is a different twist, he normally makes 'jackass' type videos, videos which only appeal to certain groups and therefore have something of a 'cult' following. He doesn't usually focus on the narrative of his song, but we're trying to incorporate both aspects, the 'jackass fun-loving' side of Cosmo Jarvis and the deepness of his narrative.

Our character of Cosmo Jarvis will be played by a friend of ours, Luke Milsom. He was also the actor in our AS piece 'Dreams'. He fits the role we desire in our representation of Cosmo, which is fun loving, not too serious and young.

In our music video, Luke will be shown walking through various areas of Weston-Super-Mare, lip syncing various lyrics, in a style similar to The Verve's 'Bittersweet Symphony'.

There will also be 'extras' shown throughout the video, people who will be standing in the background of these areas, and after he walks past they will hold up signs, with some of the lyrics and/or interpretations of the lyrics. This helps the viewer follow the narrative of the song, as its not the most simple song and also it keeps the audience interested in where it is going from there. At some stage Elliot, Jordan and myself will hold a sign, as a brief cameo appearance and its also nice to be in your own video. The ideas of holding signs to explain narrative can be used in both film and music. A film that use signs is 'Bruce Almighty' while a music video is All American Rejects' 'Dirty Little Secrets'.

The locations we are planning on using are:
  • Train
  • Bus
  • An old car (possibly Elliot's Metro)
  • Elevators
  • House/flat
  • Arcade
  • Caravan Site
  • A train station Subway
  • Scrapyard
  • Underneath a bridge
  • Bench (possibly in a park)
As well as these locations, we will also need a number of resources:

  • Male actor (Luke) and Female actress to play Mel (most likely to be Heidi, the female member of our group)
  • Cardboard signs (to write lyrics on)
  • Chips
  • Pedestrians (extras)
  • Filming equipment (Camera/tripod/tape etc)
  • MP3 version of Mel's Song
This is the summary of our ideas thus far, which are of course subject to change at such an early stage in production. The majority of the locations are accessible as are the resources, so there should be no huge difficulties in filming this music video.

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