Tuesday 20 October 2009

Production Schedule - Rough Draft

When? All of our filming will take place during half term on Tuesday 27th October. Should we find any issues we come to the editing stage after half term we will go out and re-film certain parts (wherever the problem is occurring).

Who? Actors needed:
  • Luke Milsom = Cosmo Jarvis
  • Heidi Martini = Melanie
  • Pedestrians = Extras

Props needed:
  • Clothing - Trackies, Hoodies - Dirty, worn out
  • Cardboard signs
  • Chips

Equipment needed:
  • Camera
  • Digital Camcorder
  • Tripod
  • Tape
  • Camera bag

Where? We will be using numerous locations to film, but all will have a similar feeling. Places in a town which looks very average, which fits into how we want Cosmo to seem, average. Locations to be used include:
  • Bedroom (Luke's room most likely)
  • Arcades (in the Town Centre)
  • Park benches
  • Underneath a Bridge
  • Train subway
  • Bus
  • An old car (possibly Elliot's Metro)
  • Elevator
  • Caravan site
  • Scrapyard
Bedroom - Shot 2, 3, 4, 5 - 'My duvet smells but...' Zoom into face and groin region
Arcades - Chorus - Filming Cosmo (Luke) walking through miming the lyrics
Park Benches - 1st verse/chorus - Cosmo comes into 'contact' with Melanie
Underneath a Bridge - Chorus - Cosmo sings to Melanie and she is dismissive towards him
Train Subway - Pass eachother
An Old Car - During a verse
Caravan Site - During a verse
Scrapyard - During a verse

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