Tuesday 20 October 2009

Production Schedule - Rough Draft

When? All of our filming will take place during half term on Tuesday 27th October. Should we find any issues we come to the editing stage after half term we will go out and re-film certain parts (wherever the problem is occurring).

Who? Actors needed:
  • Luke Milsom = Cosmo Jarvis
  • Heidi Martini = Melanie
  • Pedestrians = Extras

Props needed:
  • Clothing - Trackies, Hoodies - Dirty, worn out
  • Cardboard signs
  • Chips

Equipment needed:
  • Camera
  • Digital Camcorder
  • Tripod
  • Tape
  • Camera bag

Where? We will be using numerous locations to film, but all will have a similar feeling. Places in a town which looks very average, which fits into how we want Cosmo to seem, average. Locations to be used include:
  • Bedroom (Luke's room most likely)
  • Arcades (in the Town Centre)
  • Park benches
  • Underneath a Bridge
  • Train subway
  • Bus
  • An old car (possibly Elliot's Metro)
  • Elevator
  • Caravan site
  • Scrapyard
Bedroom - Shot 2, 3, 4, 5 - 'My duvet smells but...' Zoom into face and groin region
Arcades - Chorus - Filming Cosmo (Luke) walking through miming the lyrics
Park Benches - 1st verse/chorus - Cosmo comes into 'contact' with Melanie
Underneath a Bridge - Chorus - Cosmo sings to Melanie and she is dismissive towards him
Train Subway - Pass eachother
An Old Car - During a verse
Caravan Site - During a verse
Scrapyard - During a verse

Friday 16 October 2009


Thursday 15 October 2009

Album Artwork Analysis

"Encore" is the fifth studio album released by mainstream US rapper, Eminem. The cover starts with the name across the top, with a backwards E starting off the word, which is something that Eminem does with his own name, the first E is always backwards on his artwork. Eminem is in the centre of the album, the focal point, and it is just him bowing. This ties in with the album title, as it looks like the end of his performance, known as the encore.

This was also representative of the rumour (or fact) that Marshall Mathers planned this to be his last album with his alter ego (Eminem). If you listen to the album, you'd notice it was made to be seem like it was a live performance, with simulated audience applause and chants at times.

"The End of Heartache" is the third album released by American rock band Killswitch Engage. The image shows bright red hands clutching a stone shaped like a loveheart, which is grey, and 'stabbed' by around 40 needles. This ties into the title of the album perfectly, as the heart has turned grey, suggesting the love (which is traditionally shown through the colour red) has gone and the pain is over, therefore its the end of heartache.

Friday 9 October 2009

Treatment/Pitch for Music Video

Summary of the treatment:

After doing some research on videos previously made by Cosmo Jarvis, (Mel's song and She's Got You) we've decided to go with something which is a different twist, he normally makes 'jackass' type videos, videos which only appeal to certain groups and therefore have something of a 'cult' following. He doesn't usually focus on the narrative of his song, but we're trying to incorporate both aspects, the 'jackass fun-loving' side of Cosmo Jarvis and the deepness of his narrative.

Our character of Cosmo Jarvis will be played by a friend of ours, Luke Milsom. He was also the actor in our AS piece 'Dreams'. He fits the role we desire in our representation of Cosmo, which is fun loving, not too serious and young.

In our music video, Luke will be shown walking through various areas of Weston-Super-Mare, lip syncing various lyrics, in a style similar to The Verve's 'Bittersweet Symphony'.

There will also be 'extras' shown throughout the video, people who will be standing in the background of these areas, and after he walks past they will hold up signs, with some of the lyrics and/or interpretations of the lyrics. This helps the viewer follow the narrative of the song, as its not the most simple song and also it keeps the audience interested in where it is going from there. At some stage Elliot, Jordan and myself will hold a sign, as a brief cameo appearance and its also nice to be in your own video. The ideas of holding signs to explain narrative can be used in both film and music. A film that use signs is 'Bruce Almighty' while a music video is All American Rejects' 'Dirty Little Secrets'.


The locations we are planning on using are:
  • Train
  • Bus
  • An old car (possibly Elliot's Metro)
  • Elevators
  • House/flat
  • Arcade
  • Caravan Site
  • A train station Subway
  • Scrapyard
  • Underneath a bridge
  • Bench (possibly in a park)
As well as these locations, we will also need a number of resources:

  • Male actor (Luke) and Female actress to play Mel (most likely to be Heidi, the female member of our group)
  • Cardboard signs (to write lyrics on)
  • Chips
  • Pedestrians (extras)
  • Filming equipment (Camera/tripod/tape etc)
  • MP3 version of Mel's Song
This is the summary of our ideas thus far, which are of course subject to change at such an early stage in production. The majority of the locations are accessible as are the resources, so there should be no huge difficulties in filming this music video.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Our choice of song - Mel's song by Cosmo Jarvis

After thinking hard about a song our group (Elliot Lowndes, Heidi Martini, Jordan Carr and myself) could use, we chose to go with Mel's song, sung by Cosmo Jarvis.
Cosmo Jarvis is an artist born in New Jersey, America, and he moved to Devon in his childhood. He is an unsigned talent whom i had never heard of before, but Heidi had been a fan of his for a couple of years. Cosmo is yet to become mainstream, but he has developed a big following, there are 1600 subscribers to his MySpace page.


'Mel's Song' is a song with a narrative, in which Cosmo Jarvis talks of a girl named Melanie whom he has feelings for but nothing has come of them. She is someone he desires but has little chance with.

There is also a video on YouTube for Mel's Song, made by Cosmo Jarvis, and this can act as an brief idea on what to do. We can see what type of idea he had for the promo by the video he himself made. His video was homemade and its claimed on YouTube it was "made using one camera and no budget". This is well within our means but we are aiming to make ours more unique, which we will come to on the Treatment.

^ This is the YouTube promo for Mel's Song, filmed by Cosmo Jarvis.

Although Cosmo Jarvis is unsigned, and therefore his material is free to use, Heidi, the only member of the group with a MySpace account, emailed Cosmo Jarvis asking for permission to use Mel's Song, however we are yet to hear a reply.