Tuesday 29 September 2009

Videos i like - Movies - Alien Ant Farm


I really like this video because of its film references, it takes me back to times i would sit and watch them all day. It is a very playful and enjoyable song and music video. In the video they play the roles and re-enact some films, such as Ghostbusters (shooting Axl Rose with their instruments), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (starring as Oompa Loompas and a girl in the crowd turns into a blue ball like Violet), Edward Scissorhands (one of the band members get AAF cut into their hair by Scissorhands) and the Karate Kid (with Mr. Miyagi healing the injuries). It is always a good video to watch and it relates to the song title, but not particularly the lyrics.. bar one line in the chorus 'And just like the movies, we play out our last scene.'

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